Social Enterprising

Social Enterprising

Social Enterprising is incorporated into all our events and activities. For example, for the Women Empowerment Sessions, Nurun Nehar and Wahida Moon, provided child minding services and Syeda Hussaini provided catering services.

At our Eid Festival, we encourage people from the community to have food stalls. Hina’s Food truck was very popular and Nuray from Y-North Take away and Café prepared sweets for a cultural experience.

The MY Story program provides training and employment opportunities for youth facilitators. For the compilation of our manual that we give to the schools, we utilised the expertise of a graphics designer from our community.

We promote training opportunities and encourage community members to participate in them based on their interests to develop their skills. An example of this is the coffee cart social enterprise experience. A Coffee Cart operated as a training cafe for people from multicultural backgrounds in Gippsland. It was located at the Moe Library. The participants were community members of all age groups and genders from multicultural backgrounds who are interested in the hospitality industry.  The café will create a sense of belonging and inclusiveness across Gippsland, increasing understanding, acceptance and respect of cultural diversity.

The coffee cart project assisted participants gain skills that could lead to future employment.  

Safe Food-Handling course – Eighteen participants completed a food handling training organised by Federation Training. 

Coffee making course Bean to Cup at Bean Learning in Warragul

Eleven people from multicultural backgrounds learnt about coffee making at Bean Learning in Warragul.  They learnt how to use a commercial coffee machine and grinder and made delicious espresso based coffees including cappuccinos and lattes.


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