News - UMSLV Newsletter April 2016

Posted: September 15, 2018

UMSLV Newsletter April 2016

United Muslim Sisters of Latrobe Valley turned three on April 17, 2016. We celebrated our birthday by hos ng Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at Moe’s Lions Park.

It was a windy day, and there was lot of nervousness about possible rain, with the thought of changing the venue from outdoors to in- doors, but the weather didn’t deter the guests to show their support to come and enjoy the day.

There were 30 guests, some with new bubs and others with toddlers. There was delicious food from diverse cultural background which was enjoyed by all. UMSLV ran an auction of beautiful hampers and generated money to go in the charity box. The highlight of the day was reaching the target of $500 as this amount would help web based research for cancer sufferers.

In total $ 552 was raised towards this cause. This Year cancer council was hoping to raise $13 million to fund research, prevention and support services for those affected by cancer. As staggering figures show that ‘one in two Australian men and one in three Australian women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85. It is a leading cause of death in Australia, and ac- counted for about 30 percent of deaths in Australia in 2013’.

UMSLV is thankful to all those who made the event a success with all their contribution and presence.

You can read more about this month’s newsletter here: UMSLV Newsletter 16

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